Water Treatment Services
A complete range of water treatment services means that you can have confidence in our ability to resolve the issues in your way.
Our dedicated team also provides thorough and regular testing and analysis of system conditions, ensuring everything is running efficiently and safely.
Our water treatment services include:
Chemical cleaning and control

At Barford Industries, we’re well versed in delivering effective chemical cleaning programs to suit individual needs, having serviced the industrial sector for 20+ years.
Our wealth of experience has been proven through our ability to minimise business downtime while ensuring a thorough chemical clean and decontamination are completed in the safest manner possible.
We understand that large industrial businesses often require chemical cleaning to remove deposits from their cooling systems, boilers and pipework without interrupting their workflow.
Performed by experienced technicians, our cost-effective cleaning solutions work in line with your business.
Our chemical cleaning procedures safely loosen and dissolve any build-up inside your systems, without the release of hazardous products into water drainage systems.
As water treatment and filtration specialists, we provide the best, high quality solutions for your business.
Chemical water testing and management

We offer water treatment programs with thorough and regular testing and analysis. Our skilled team performs periodic follow-up tests to ensure that your system receives the treatment it needs, to keep it running efficiently and safely.
On-site field service reports are conducted with mobile computers, producing a printed service report. We can also email reports to the appropriate plant engineer or manager, and backup copies can be supplied on disk to reduce paper storage.
Bacterial control can be implemented by a range of effective controls including chemical biocide programs, chemical dosing equipment, routine cooling tower cleaning, sanitisation, corrosion monitoring, site-specific risk assessment, maintenance manuals and log books. We also offer NATA-approved Legionella and total bacteria testing.
Cooling tower water treatment

Controlling corrosion, deposition and microbiological activity in cooling water systems is an important aspect of open or closed water cooling circuits.
At Barford Industries, we offer field-proven anti-scalents, cleaning and dispersing products as well as corrosion inhibitors and biocide/algaecide formulations that ensure our customers manage their water cooling circuits safely and economically.
Cooling tower cleaning is also a critical part of a complete treatment program to ensure optimal performance and microbial outcomes.
Hot and cold loops
Our technicians deliver custom and effective chemical water treatment programs.
Closed recirculating water systems are in a variety of commercial and industrial facilities. They can be used for heating (hot water loop) or cooling (chilled water loop).
The most common problems associated with closed systems are corrosion, fouling as a result of corrosion, dirt build-ups and potentially microbial growth in the system.
Scaling and deposition are unlikely as makeup water rates are low and the absence of evaporation limits hardness salts and other impurities to the makeup water level.
The build-up of dirt leads to erosion and under-deposit corrosion, while bacteria growth can lead to loss of corrosion inhibitors, pH excursions or loss of heat transfer as a result of slime growth.
Legionella control

Bacterial control can be implemented by a range of effective controls including chemical biocide programs, chemical dosing equipment, routine cooling tower cleaning, sanitisation, corrosion monitoring, site-specific risk assessment, maintenance manuals and log books. We also offer NATA-approved Legionella and total bacteria testing.
Our extensive experience in Legionella risk assessment and management has enabled us to develop specific products, gain expertise and implement the logistical measures necessary to prevent the outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease.
We believe the key to our success lies in our capacity to proactively manage scenarios likely to cause issues, prior to them ever occurring. Recognised by some of the largest and most prestigious commercial and industrial organisations in Australia, our track record of having no Legionella breakouts speaks for itself.
Microbial sampling

Bacterial control can be implemented by a range of effective controls including chemical biocide programs, chemical dosing equipment, routine cooling tower cleaning, sanitisation, corrosion monitoring, site-specific risk assessment, maintenance manuals and log books. We also offer NATA-approved Legionella and total bacteria testing.
Our extensive experience in microbiological bacterial control has enabled us to develop specific products, gain expertise and implement the logistical measures necessary to prevent high coliform counts.
We believe the key to our success lies in our capacity to proactively manage scenarios likely to cause issues, prior to them ever occurring. We recognise problems before they arise and implement programs to stop them from occurring.
We can conduct a range of tests including.
- Legionella
- E. coli
- Coliform
- Pseudomonas
- Swab Testing
Online wastewater monitoring
At Barford Industries, we are leading the way in water and wastewater treatment.
We regularly tailor treatment programs that are highly customised to provide the lowest cost solution while delivering exceptional results.
Our systems allow for online monitoring—technicians and clients can log in to monitor how relevant plants are running from anywhere in the world, giving immediate visibility of whether pumps are operational, pH control and more.
Steam boiler and condensate treatment

We provide a full range of inhibitors to suit condensate systems and help control corrosion by neutralising chemical treatments or by carbonic acid building up in condensate lines.
Our team also offers filming chemical treatments to prevent oxygen attack.
We provide a full range of boiler water chemicals to help keep your boiler in the best operational condition and for plant longevity. This includes pH correction chemicals and oxygen scavengers (chemicals which react with boiler-dissolved oxygen gas to prevent oxygen-caused corrosion) such as tannate and sodium sulphite-based or polymer-based chemical treatments.
We can also introduce chemicals to help clean up internals if they are needed.
Corrosion coupons testing

At Barford Industries, we can monitor corrosion taking place in a system by installing corrosion coupons, usually being mild steel and copper coupons.
These can be installed anywhere in the dosing line manifold and are able to monitor corrosion rates by being removed and chemically weighed by our chemist—with full reporting on the amount lost usually over three-monthly blocks.
By weighing the coupons, we are able to determine if the chemicals being used in a system are working effectively and if adjustment is required.
Speak to us today to get help from industry leaders.
We can help you solve your water treatment problems and maintain compliance with stringent regulations.
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